Past Issues of the Cranial Wave Journal:
Cranial Wave Journal ~ Winter 2023/2024

Enjoy the Winter 2023/24 edition of the annual BCTA/NA Cranial Wave professional journal.
We know how expansive and affecting the field of the heart is. In this year’s journal our members turned their focus to the Heart of the Matter, sharing ideas across the spectrum of our practice, from our primal state to our cosmic dimensions. Their writings and artwork encompass how we connect heart to heart, with babies, with children, with one another, and the world around us.
A special supplement is included to honor Shannon Dailey, co-founder of Stillpoint, who passed away at the end of last year. We offer our deepest condolences to her partner in Stillpoint, Clara Favale, her partner in life, Tom Bertels, all their students and community. The impact of our hearts and our field extend beyond our reach and Shannon’s was large.
Our gratitude to the contributing authors.
BCTA/NA Members may access a digital copy of the Cranial Wave as part of their annual membership benefits and order a printed copy for $18.00 USD.
Non-members may purchase access to the digital version for a fee of just $15.00 USD, and order a printed copy for $25.00 USD.
Preview the Cranial Wave table of contents
Download the Digital Version (PDF)
BCTA/NA Members:
- Download the Cranial Wave (Log in as a member to access)
Thank you for only sharing your electronic copy of the Cranial Wave with active BCTA/NA members. This digital version of the Cranial Wave is available to members at no charge, as part of member benefits. Nonmembers may preview the Table of Contents and purchase access for just $15.
Order the Printed Publication
Please place your order no later than February 15, 2024. (The number of Cranial Wave copies printed will be based on orders received by that date.)
BCTA/NA Members: $18 per printed copy
- If you live outside of North America, there will be an additional fee to cover international postage to your country. Please contact us to request your cost to receive a printed copy, and to place your order.
Non-Members: $25 per printed copy
- If you live in the U.S. or Canada, complete Non-member Cranial Wave Order Form.
- If you live outside of North America, there will be an additional fee to cover international postage to your country. Please contact us to request your cost to receive a printed copy, and to place your order.
Please contact us if you have any questions!